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Enjoy Vintage Music

Views: 163

“If music be the food of love, give me excess of it.’ Shakespeare, Twelfth Night. Listen to our live broadcast to experience the melodic and enchanting music of the Caribbean without any interruption. You can listen whenever and wherever. With our vast array of musical selections from Reggae to Calypso, Oldies but Goodies, and so much more. You will feel the rhythm in your feet as you rock steadily to the island beats. Whether you’re feeling up or down, our music selection will have you bopping your head, tapping your feet, and smiling from ear to ear. There may even be moments of spontaneous outbursts into your favorite song. We also can’t be held responsible for the involuntary desire to drop everything you are doing to have a little dance. The rhythm is going to get you. As the originator of Reggae music, Bob Marley, once said, “One thing about music, when it hits you, you feel no pain.” Are you looking for a pain-free good time? Look no further. We will take over from here. Simply hit “play” and let the music wash away your tears, calm your fears, celebrate your successes, accompany you throughout your day, throughout your stresses, and give you good vibes and a good time.

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